Magnetic Mornings Meditation

Magnetic mornings create magnetic DAYS.

Magnetic days create magnetic LIVES.

Allow this gift to become part of your daily life.

Save it to your phone, make it yours,

and play it in the morning before starting your day.

Your Meditation is almost here!

Align your body + mind

Reclaim your time

& become magnetic in minutes

Other Opportunities

Self Sourced

10 powerful guided meditations, embodiment exercises and journal prompts all under 10 minutes. For busy women who crave tools for self-empowerment without committing to lengthy coaching sessions.

Magnetic Love

This intimate group program empowers high-achieving women to develop deep self awareness, dismantle self-sabotaging patterns, instill daily self practices, cultivate emotional resilience, and become your own ideal partner, ensuring you radiate the love you desire.

The One

For women who want that deeper, one on one support as they become their own greatest love, break free from patterns making space for the self expression, connection, union, community to arrive. To fill up your cup so you are completely magnetic to what you desire.

What people are saying...

It is unreal how fast and effective her process is, and I cannot believe I’ve never come across anything like it with all the other professionals I’ve worked with.


I feel equipped with the tools I need in a very practical and tangible way for every day life. I am so blessed and overjoyed with the internal shifts and reaping the fruits of my labor. This is what kids should be learning in schools.


Knowing what to do to shift my state is what I've been trying to figure out my whole life. I finally know how to do it.
